Saturday, December 13, 2008
Ryan is doing well, enjoying the amazing snow we have right now. Let it snow more! Ryan and Jakob had recent hair cuts due to the neighbors investation of head lice. We had warned the children to stay away until they had were clear of all lice. Of course they didn't listen and as a result we had to deal with the nasty critters. We shaved heads and washed, combed, pulled, etc. Being a mom is so much fun:P
Right now we are wondering if keeping Ryan in the German system is the best for him at this point. We want him to feel great about school and to have success in school--that is a struggle right now. Communication is key and it is very difficult with the German school. Report cards come out in January and we will need to make a decision then.
Jakob has his glasses now and he is going a great job with them. Occasionally he "forgets" to wear them but for the most part does pretty well. We have to get used to seeing him with them and our friends are really helping making him feel better about wearing them.
I will update some more photos soon. The Christmas market is going on right now so we want to update some photos from that as well. I am trying to find a better site that it a bit more user friendly with more options as well. Hopefully one that friends and family can join in as well. I'll keep you updated...
In the meantime....MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! We think of you often and try to keep tabs through your sites. If you ever happen to be in this area again, stop by! We would love to have you as guests. Take care!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
I'm back!
As anyone can imagine, this was the least expected and least desired. I can't begin to imagine how difficult this will be to keep Jakob in glasses. Just the mention of it created quite a disturbance. He cried about how unfair life is that he must wear them but not Ryan. We bribed him with chocolate today to get him to just try some different frames on. First he was dead set on blue, then when the desicion time came, he changed to red, then back to blue. We finally decided on two different pairs that they will order for him to try next week. Then we have to get the prescription and get him to wear them ALWAYS!! Of course insurance only covers the cost of the lens, not the frames. Given his age and general boyness, we decided it was safer to go with a more flexible, can handle jumping off tall mountains and stay on his face, frames. More money but hopefully a wiser choice.
Ryan was a bit freaked that he too was getting glasses and didn't want to go with us. Now he has calmed down but if my own brother was any indication of teasing, I fortell arguments over the glasses in the future.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Starting Over
To begin with the boys are growing like weeds! This picture was taken this summer.
Jakob is as hilarious as always thinking the world was creates for his pleasure and manipulations. Doesn't go well when it isn't his plan:) He is now a Vorschulekind which translates to the American Kindergarten. However he is also taking a language immersion class that is in Ryan's school for two days a week and in his Kindergarten two days a week. This is a great transition for him as he still has much to learn about following the rules even when he doesn't want to. He is interested in soccer (see the shoes) but when I went to go ask about it, he decided he wasn't ready to do this alone. Maybe a bit longer.
For those of you who didn't know...we bought a house in January and moved in the following month. Lots of demolition for rennovations but we are now done with that horror and trying to get things organized. This summer we had lots of visitors. First was my brother, then Jeff's dad and Marilyn, and last my parents. We had a wonderful time with everyone.
Next time I will try to upload a short video of our house to show all that was done.
I am teaching first grade again this year but moved to the new school built in the new housing area called Netzaberg. This was created to support the large groups of soldiers now stationed here at the US Army Garrison Grafenwoehr and the Joint Multinational Training Command. Translates to LOTS of people here with MANY more kids! Huge school but good light so it feels open and spacious. Check out our new school site for pictures.
Well I do hope that all is well with everyone else. I need to do a few things before we take off for bowling. Keep in touch!