Sometimes living with a house full of boys can be a bit exasperating. Burping at the table and other bodily functions, pointing out that Mommy's pants are a bit low by yelling "Plumber butt!", seats left up on the toilet for my middle of the night visits, among other things that we can't mention....wow do I need some girl power! This house is winning out with the male testoterone and I blame their father!
I do have to say though that it is always comic relief here as well. The boys say the funniest things. J wanted to know why they were in the kitchen playing with the toaster and Roll's reponse "Because I magic-ed it!" When I asked him what

I did check, there is no money, it was an optical illusion. ha, ha
The other day J sent me an email about the things boys do. At the end it stated, Women will read this and laugh. Men will read this and then go try some of them. Well it was accurate. J wanted to try out one in particular where you mix bleach with brake fluid. He is curious to know just how much smoke you can create and how little brake fluid do you need to use? Such a man! It does make me worry about what I have to look forward to with two little growing extremely curious boys!
Okay so now I have to tell on myself...Monday night I couldn't get Rock to get out of the car and was busy unloading packs, mail, etc. J pulled up in his car and wasn't watching as I approached the car. He was jamming to his music trying to catch Rock's attention. I was going to startle him by kicking his car, problem was as I raised my foot to kick the car, my other foot slipped off the curb which is about 6 inches high. I landed on my ankle, lost all balance and pitched backward and then forward again hitting my shoulder into the garage and my lower back into the curb. Of course none of that hurt as much as my ankle. I have never had a sprain before but I knew immediately that this wasn't my normal clumsy stumble. J rushed out of the car and had to carry me into the house. Long story short, Rock got out of the car and I have sprained my ankle requiring wraps, ice, and raising my foot when possible. Of course with working full time and two boys with a winding staircase, I haven't rested it as much as I wish. Now I am worried since it isn't much better although the brace helps and those around me keep warning me that a sprain is worse than a break. I have hopes that it will improve and treat myself to nightly hot baths and massaging my aching muscles. :( J's side of the story? I was being stupid and I got hurt, quit whining!
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