Saturday, April 11, 2009

Garden Update

We have been trying to get our garden done but it is difficult while working.  Since I had Spring Break this past week the goal was to get as much as I could complete in the garden and then this weekend we would tear up the yard to plant grass seed.  Our yard was really looking awful.  Working alone has been difficult as I just don't have the muscle Jeff does and time seems to slip away with the kids around.  Friday was a holiday and in Germany that means you cannot be loud.  Jeff and worked at pulling out bushes we no longer want which of course exposed more work to be done.  The crossbeams on the fence are rotted :(  Well  we did finally get the bushes pulled and even moved a lilac bush to a more convenient location.  Next job would have to wait until today as it is nosy work. 

 This morning we got up early and rented a rotatiller.  Jeff was unhappy since it seems smaller than he expected and he wasn't sure it would do the work and definately in the short amount of time we had to work.  BBQ plans at 2pm.  In actuality we were able to get the largest part of the yard complete.  Later we will have to do the raised area but I don't think we will need the rotatiller for that.  With no grass the yard looked better than it had in since we have been here.
We were able to pull out a lot of the roots that seem to be growing like mad and vines as well.  Then together we leveled it all out.  Jeff returned the rotatiller and we had to get ready for the BBQ.  I ran to our local garden center and bought grass seed which turned out to be VERY EXPENSIVE GRASS SEED!!!!  This stuff must be gold and it had better grow into a lush green yard.  Supposedly good for sport and animals so it should hold up against the boys and dogs.  After the BBQ it was still light out so I threw seed and Jeff watered everything.  We have it all blocked off from kids and dogs and it will need to remain as such until the yard is complete.  Hopefully in a month we will have a yard.  Now we have to keep it watered so the seeds don't dry out - RAIN???? I wouldn't normally ask for rain but it needs it.  I snapped a couple of pictures of Jeff working.  Should have taken a before shot of the yard but maybe I can find one somewhere to post.  I'll keep you updated. :)

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