Roll is still going strong in Cub Scouts although Mom and Dad have found this is as much our adventure as his. When doing something like this at this age it is a real commitment as we must attend each function with him to include meetings. We still need to practice the Boy Scout Promise and the Law of the Pack in order for him to earn his Bobcat patch. Several of the scouts are my students and it is odd seeing Roll standing in formation with them. He still seems as if he is my little boy at times but he is the same age as these other boys and I expect a lot from them. When I stop to think I realize he how fast he is growing!
Soon Cub Scouts will include a new group called the Lions. This will be for Rock's age next year (Kindergarten.) Prior to Roll joining I wouldn't have even considered this but now that Rock sees what Roll does, he is jealous and wants to do the same. I do hope that they have fewer requirments as I can't see Rock memorizing the Boy Scout Promise or such. This has been great for Roll to learn how to be a part of a "team" and that you cannot always win (this he still struggles with.) This has also been a great way for Roll to associate with other Americans his age.
Tonight he worked on the flag ceremony and carrying the flag. He was quite proud although had difficulty due to his height in keeping the flag off the ground. We will also be visiting a museum this weekend and going to a semi-pro hockey game in Weiden. Busy, Busy!! And Christmas is just around the corner!